
The last two weeks my thinking has very much been around having clarity over what drives us, why we do what we do and how we do it best.  So I thought the time was right to punctuate these thoughts with a bit of explanation around what drives me, why I do what I do, and how I do it…

My why is to serve and inspire others (and myself!) to be our best selves, and seize every opportunity for growth.  I do this through facilitating leadership programmes, group coaching programmes and working with individuals. 

My why has been driving me for a long time.  Probably ‘failing’ my A levels was the key driver – and yes, I became a Head of a school...  We’d moved south, to a completely different style of exams boards and requirements part way through my O Level years, and I spent the first term of our move in my room on my own copying up the notes I’d missed.  I then spent the next year or so making up for that in social terms, and with the ongoing trauma of a family tragedy thrown in, the result was I didn’t get the grades for my university offer because I hadn’t spent the time building the habits of studying and learning how to learn, and because I was fundamentally bright (no pun intended!), no one had really picked up on this and inspired me to be my best. 

So, I decided to take a vocational route, working for the Trading Standards Department of our Local Authority in Sussex.  This was a fantastic opportunity as I was paid (!) and sent to off-season Weston-Super-Mare on block release to do my professional qualification.  I loved bombing about in my Mini and having real independence.  I was one of the youngest on the course and most were doing this as a post-grad qualification.  Living together, I really learned from them the habits and disciplines required to study – and I discovered that I LOVED it!  Having achieved my Part 1, and with their encouragement, I left early and went to university. 

The Geography Department at Middlesex Polytechnic had a teaching arrangement with the UCL Institute of Archaeology and we had the most fantastic teaching and access to all the UCL libraries as a result.  I spent hours in them, soaking up the smell of the journals and books.  I went into teaching because I wanted to share this passion for learning – I didn’t want other young people to slip through the net in perhaps the way I felt I had at the time – I wanted to help young people be their best selves.  As a Newly Qualified Teacher, in my first job I was asked to be on the In-Service Training committee, and so the passion for staff continuous professional development (CPD)… well… developed.  When we moved last year, I came across the agenda for one of these first meetings in my files and it felt like everything suddenly made even more sense and there has really been a ‘golden thread’ around learning and CPD in my life, without me being conscious of it. 

I had an ambition at that time to develop my career so I would eventually be training teachers.  As a tutor on one of the first School Centred Initial Teacher Training programmes while a Head of Department, I achieved this fairly quickly, and during my Institute of Education Masters qualification I was introduced to Roland Barth’s writing and his vision of schools as learning communities in which the adults model life-long learning, and so inspiring their students in their own journey.  I determined that any school I worked in would have this as a focus, with CPD at the heart of all we did.  Over the subsequent years I rose through the ranks of senior leadership taking on academic leadership, marketing, then pastoral leadership and boarding, always with a thread of designing and delivering CPD, and eventually became a Head.  And so, appointing a Learning Development Coordinator at the school I led was a real statement that I believe our own professional learning is at the heart of both inspiring our students and providing them with a modern and inspiring educational experience.  You can imagine, by now I hope, my satisfaction as a Head to be asked to join and subsequently Chair the Girls Schools’ Association’s Professional Development Committee

Over many years I’ve learnt lots about leadership, and leadership theories and ideas, and made a lot of mistakes and learnt from them too.  I’ve always been curious, hungry to learn and driven to be the best I could be with the resource I had at any time.  And so I decided to investigate and create an opportunity for me to do this which would have greater impact, and Bright Lead was born!  As a Geographer I’ve always been interested in many different elements of our industry and economy, in the widest possible sense, and brought those links, people and interests into the classroom for our students – or taken students out to them.  Creativity has also played a big part in my interests as well, which links with all the possibilities there are to do things differently and better

It made sense for me to be connected to and work within other industries so the leadership lessons I learned could be transferred.  I was thrilled to start working within the video games industry in 2019, then with Rolls Royce, and have seized opportunities to work in other sectors as they have arisen, because this means I’m still learning and adds a richness to what I do.  The passion to learn, create and develop is palpable within the games industry and I find it incredibly satisfying working in that hugely creative, and yet analytical, environment with enthusiastic and highly-focused peopleThe leadership programmes and coaching have had a really positive impact in all the sectors I’m working with.  Some are more theory based with practical application, others are more coaching focused, with the development of leadership skills woven in.  I listen carefully to what each client needs, and provide the emphasis they need for their context. 

My why makes sense to me, and I hope it helps you understand why designing and delivering programmes to help middle and senior leaders in a variety of industries drives me on.  I’m both a Certified High Performance Coach, and a Resilient Leaders Elements Associate, and both communities of practice help keep me learning about leadership – and I’m a social animal.  If what I’ve talked about resonates with you in any way, please do contact me to find out more about what I offer – nicky@brightlead.co.uk .  My RLE ‘Regain your Mojo!’ programme starts on Wednesday 25th May, find out more and sign up HERE


What in my values and vision resonates with you?

What are your golden threads?

What habits and disciplines are central to who you are?  And what needs further effort?

Would support from an experienced coach and facilitator help move you and your team further along with your why?  If so, please do contact me…

This blog was inspired by the High Performance Podcast Episode with Greg Hoffman, former Chief Marketing Officer at Nike whose book ‘Emotion by Design’ is now firmly on my reading list.  Having just had a conversation with a client the day before listening to it, when we were talking about developing her influencing skills and persuading her team to do things they were a little reluctant to embrace, we talked about ways to connect more closely with the audience, and I’m hoping this helps to connect you to my work!


Making the most of everyone’s unique strengths and experience…


Amplifying what is great within you…