Making the most of everyone’s unique strengths and experience…

This week my copy of ‘Diverse Educators: A Manifesto’ arrived and I am particularly excited to see my name in print as a contributor! 

The book covers every protected characteristic, with approximately 10 contributors for each chapter, and the hope is that it will go into every school in the country to help continue the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion journey.  As leaders, making the most of everyone’s unique strengths and experience is essential.  It makes business sense – so many reports show that a more diverse workforce makes economic sense - as well as being an ethical, values driven imperative.

My contribution is in the Age chapter, looking at how we can support those going through the Perimenopause and Menopause and providing some key takeaways that can be easily actioned. Raising awareness of how we can support women at this stage of their lives is important to me.  Having been through the peri-menopause ignorant of how I might have been able to better support myself, or even of the existence of the perimenopause (!) I want to help others so they are able to perform at their best at this, for some, challenging time of transition.  And because ‘everyone knows someone going through the menopause’, whether a wife, aunt, granny or colleague, everyone needs to understand what’s happening.  I also like to say ‘wonky hormones aren’t the preserve of the teenager’ though teenagers might think they are – and certainly that was the narrative of the past which I hope is changing.

What has been fascinating about being involved in the project has been increasing my awareness of the multiple (diverse!) ways of looking at life, experiences of life and the challenges faced by individuals.  It has challenged my thinking and I hope, even more importantly, my actions.  We all have our own challenges, no one has life ‘sorted’ no matter the portrayal on social media, and we can support each other better to bring out the best in each and every one of us.  As leaders this is crucial.



What can you do to increase awareness around diversity and inclusion and then act upon it to be a leader who ensures equity rather than equality?

Buy the book – follow the link here and receive a 25% discount by using the code DIVERSE25

What do you know about the perimenopause and menopause and how can you increase your awareness or awareness of those around you?

As a leader how do you ensure you make the most of everyone’s unique strengths?

How do you ensure you are aware of, and support, others with their challenges to help bring out the best in everyone?


“Clear is Kind, Unclear is Unkind”

