The value of taking time for yourself professionally…

The final weeks of term are approaching and the last few places are available to be filled on the Senior Leaders’ Group Coaching Programme starting in January.  As I was finalising emails to go out today I received this from one of my previous participants – thank you Claire!

 “I don’t like talking to new people and Zoom makes me nervous!  Despite these things Nicky’s coaching program was by far the best professional development I have done and a hugely significant turning point for all elements of my life.

Nearly 2 years on and I still lean on not only what I learnt but the people I met.  A shared journey will always unite people and the 6 of us all at very different places in our lives are able to support each other, sometimes practically and sometimes emotionally.  This strong network is a lasting legacy and something to treasure.

Time is our greatest commodity and I was very apprehensive about dedicating 1 hour a week in amongst a demanding and unpredictable job.  Surprise, surprise the world didn’t stop turning, and I discovered that carving out time is not only possible but vital for long term productivity, and indeed happiness and fulfilment.

12 weeks of focusing on my values, my whys, my frustrations and goals was not easy.  Pausing can be scary.  But having that space allowed me to breath and properly evaluate where I was and where I wanted to be .

This time and space, alongside the tools which Nicky provides, allows you to create new and exciting pathways and routes; underpinned with practical advice on how to create sustainable routines which ensure you can continue to thrive professionally and personally.

 I am incredibly grateful for Claire’s feedback, and invite you to find out more about the Group Coaching Programme here – perhaps you’ll be interested in starting with my new cohort in January!  Please contact me to find out more…


Courage, Compassion, Empathy, and Connection


Progress, Not Perfection…