Positive Intelligence, our new Blog Series…

I’m currently running my third cohort of a six week Positive Intelligence® programme, and the fourth cohort is booked in and ready to start.  A ‘mental fitness’ programme, I followed it myself about a year ago, and love the changes I’m seeing in myself – always a ‘work-in-progress’!  Developed by Shirzad Chamine, the principles are so useful.  To varying degrees, we all have voices in our head which don’t always serve us, whether that’s imposter syndrome, self-doubt, negativity or similar, and yet we also want to lead fulfilling lives, achieve our goals, and cultivate meaningful relationships.  At times of stress these voices can intensify and even overwhelm us to the point that our perception of our reality becomes distorted and so our relationships and our judgement are affected. To build and nurture a positive company culture, as leaders we must:

1. Interact with employees and truly embody our core values,

2. Communicate directly and often,

3. Invest in our team growth, to build shared perspectives, and

4. Continually develop our emotional intelligence through mental fitness practice

As leaders in today's fast-paced world, filled with demands, stressors, and uncertainties, maintaining our mental fitness with a positive mindset and mental resilience is more important than ever, and unlocking our full potential and harnessing our inner strength becomes vital. 

And so, the topic of our latest blog series will be the Positive Intelligence® programme, taking an aspect of the programme each week and digging a little deeper into the understanding.  I hope you enjoy, and find it useful!

The Positive Intelligence® programme approach aims to help us unleash our mental faculties, optimise our performance, and foster lasting happiness. Rooted in neuroscience, psychology, and cognitive behavioural techniques, this transformative programme offers a roadmap to enhance our "Positive Intelligence Quotient" or PQ, which is a measure of our mental fitness and capacity for resilience, optimism, and inner peace.

At the heart of the Positive Intelligence Programme lies the concept of "Sage vs. Saboteur."  According to Chamine, our minds are engaged in an ongoing battle between our Sage – the inner voice of wisdom, clarity, and positivity – and our various Saboteurs – representing our self-limiting beliefs, fears, and insecurities. These Saboteurs, such as the Victim, Controller, and Avoider, often dominate our thoughts, leading to stress, anxiety, and self-sabotage, and overarching them all is our Judge - of ourselves, of others and of our circumstances.

Positive Intelligence seeks to empower us by cultivating our Sage mode – the state of inner calm, clarity, and resilience – while effectively managing and neutralising the influence of our Saboteurs. Simply by recognising and reframing negative thought patterns, we can unlock our innate potential, tap into our strengths, and navigate life's challenges with greater ease and confidence.

Developing mental fitness supports leadership development in six different ways:

1. Emotional intelligence (EQ)

Mental fitness helps leaders develop EQ by improving self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills. The Positive Intelligence® (PQ) Programme for mental fitness improves 17 out of 18 EQ competencies.

2. Resilience

Mental fitness helps leaders develop resilience to overcome numerous challenges and setbacks and become stronger. Resilient leaders can inspire and motivate their team and lead by example during tough times.

3. Communication

Mental fitness helps leaders develop strong communication skills by improving their ability to listen actively, express themselves clearly and persuasively, and manage conflicts.

4. Decision making

Mentally fit leaders are more likely to make sound decisions based on rational thinking, evidence-based analysis, intuition, and a long-term perspective.

5. Innovation and adaptability

Leaders who think creatively and develop innovative solutions are better equipped to solve problems and adapt to changing situations.

6. Focus

Mental fitness helps leaders improve their ability to focus and concentrate on essential tasks. Leaders who can maintain their focus and prioritise their work can better manage their time and make effective decisions.

The Positive Intelligence journey involves a combination of self-reflection, ‘active’ mindfulness practices, and practical exercises designed to rewire the brain’s neural pathways for positivity and resilience. We engage in guided meditations, journaling, and real-time feedback to identify and challenge our Saboteurs, strengthen our Sage mode, and cultivate empowering beliefs and habits.  Through regular practice and commitment, we can experience profound shifts in our mindset, behaviour, and overall quality of life. From CEOs and athletes to students and parents, people from all walks of life have embraced the Positive Intelligence programme as a catalyst for personal and professional growth, unlocking their full potential and leading more fulfilling, purpose-driven lives.

In essence, the Positive Intelligence Programme offers a holistic approach to mental fitness, equipping us with tools and a mindset needed to thrive in today's complex world. By harnessing the power of Positive Intelligence, we can break free from self-limiting patterns, tap into our innate resilience, and cultivate a deeper sense of purpose, joy, and fulfilment.

So, are you ready to unleash your inner Sage and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation? The path to positive intelligence awaits – it's time to embrace the limitless potential within you.  Join us through the blog series as we embark on this empowering journey towards greater mental resilience, clarity, and well-being.  Let's unlock the extraordinary power of positive intelligence and create a brighter, more fulfilling future for ourselves and those around us.


What do the voices in your head tell you?

What negative thought patterns do you notice for yourself?  (If you think you don’t have any, you probably need this programme more than most to help you become more aware of them affecting your subconscious!)

How does imposter syndrome impact your thinking and behaviour?

What do you do to develop your inner Sage perspective and mental fitness?

How would your team benefit from developing their mental fitness?

Has this made you curious?  Contact me via nicky@brightlead.co.uk to find out more.


Using Positive Intelligence to combat our Saboteurs and Imposter Syndrome…


Taking time for renewal in leadership: