New Year, New You?

Maybe not a new you, but the best you that you can be? Think about what you are like when you are at your best, and how you achieve that.  I find that keeping my personal vision written down and pinned up in my workspace helps keep me on track, as I have previously said in the blog titled ‘My Why’. Just like the traditional New Year resolutions of losing weight, or getting a new job, being our best selves is something we have to work at.  Key to this is ‘progress not perfection’, and consistent, sustainable performance over ‘flash in the pan’ achievement in one area of our lives.  It can be far too easy to revert to auto pilot, or commit our energies only to the necessities, but striving to be our best selves is a noble task, as when we are at our best, we can serve others better too.

The energy we bring to other people in meetings, or our lives, is sensed like a force field around us.  People can tell if we’re weary, sad or distracted.  That’s why focusing upon our personal lives and our health is important – our sleep, hydration, exercise and diet aren’t just ‘nice to have’ once the work is done, they are the work.  They give us the spring in our step to do the best we can with the relationships around us, both at work and home.  Giving ourselves permission to focus upon our self-maintenance, if necessary by badging it as ‘work’, is arguably one of the most useful things we can do when serving and leading others.

When I am at my best I’m clear on my purpose and values and review them regularly, alongside what I aim to achieve.  I like to review everything annually, though being an educator that means bi-annually as September is as important a time to reset for me as January or April is in business.  I also look ahead at every month or half term, and do the same with each week.  This means that every day I’m really clear on the things I’m aiming to achieve and approach them with clarity and determination.  When this review and forward planning goes wrong for me I feel out of kilter!

At my best I’m also optimistic, courageous and compassionate.  I can take on challenges with positivity, find creative solutions and be adventurous, and can support those around me with empathy.  When I’m full of my best energy, I’ve had enough sleep, I’m exercising regularly, and I’m eating and drinking sensibly.  In other words I’m maintaining boundaries between supporting others and supporting myself, which is something I’ve never been brilliant at and have to work hard to do – we’re all work in progress!

So what do you need to do to be the best you can be? 

·       How much clarity do you have over your purpose, values and what you want to achieve?

What energy do you bring into the room, and to the relationships around you? 

·       Are you able to bring what others need in that moment, or is it just what’s left ‘in the tank’?  If so, what one small thing could you do to help tip the scales back towards the other direction?

·       What boundaries do you need to enforce to help yourself, so you can be your best, as well as helping others in the way that is best for them?


Courage, Faith, and Always Moving Forward…


Courage, Compassion, Empathy, and Connection