New Year... New Thinking: A Journey of Personal Development and Positive Intelligence leading us to New Action…

As the calendar turns its pages, we find ourselves at the threshold of a new year again — a fresh chapter waiting to be written! It's the perfect time to reflect on the past, celebrate our victories, and learn from our challenges, before we set ourselves exciting goals and realistic commitments for the year to come, so we are inspired to take action on them. Last year the Leadership Development programmes I ran with video games companies and schools were really well received and I’m building upon them for 2024. While still running the popular 12-week Group Coaching Programmes in association with the GSA, I’m also developing a Positive Intelligence group offering, and further developing the 1:1 coaching I offer. So, this New Year, let's embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal development, cultivating positive intelligence that will shape our mindset and those all-important actions for the months ahead.

Before we dive into the new, it's essential to take a moment to look back at the year that's bidding us farewell. What were the highs and lows? What lessons did we learn? Reflecting on our experiences helps us gain insight into our growth areas and identify patterns that may be holding us back. This self-awareness lays the foundation for intentional change and development and is a key element of any coaching, whether group or individual.


A growth mindset is the belief that our abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. As we step into the new year, let's adopt this mindset, viewing challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles.  Embracing a growth mindset opens doors to new possibilities and allows us to approach life with resilience and a positive outlook.


Making realistic commitments to ourselves, and establishing exciting goals give our aspirations direction and purpose. Rather than hastily crafting a list of resolutions, let’s take the time to set intentional, realistic goals or commitments for the year ahead. By breaking them down into smaller, manageable steps we make progress more achievable. By planning regular reviews into our diaries, whether daily, weekly, or monthly, we touch our goals every day and so move towards them, however slowly.  Whether personal or professional, having clear goals and commitments provides us with a sustainable roadmap for our journey of personal development.


Positive intelligence is the ability to approach life's challenges with mental fitness. It involves shifting our focus from problems to solutions, from limitations to possibilities, from challenges to opportunities or gifts. Cultivating positive intelligence requires practical mindfulness and conscious effort. We should consider incorporating practices such as daily gratitude journaling, mindfulness meditation, or affirmations into our routines to foster a positive outlook on life.  My pilot ‘positive intelligence’ group coaching pods start on 9th January, alongside my 12-week Senior Leaders’ Group Coaching Programme.


No journey is without its bumps, and setbacks are inevitable. Instead of viewing them as failures, let’s see setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow. When we reflect on the lessons each setback brings we can use them to refine our approach. Adversity often serves as a catalyst for personal development, shaping us into stronger, more resilient individuals.  I’ve certainly learned more from my reflections when things have not gone according to plan, than when they have.  And I’ve been continuing to learn to enjoy the journey as much as aiming for the destination.


The people we surround ourselves with on our journey greatly influence our mindset. We know we need to choose to spend time with those who uplift and inspire us, and that it makes a difference when we engage in conversations that promote growth and positivity. Building a supportive network contributes to a healthier mental and emotional state, fostering an environment conducive to personal development, which is why Group Coaching Programmes are so effective


So, as we stand on the threshold of a new year, let's approach it with a fresh perspective and a commitment to our personal development. Let’s reflect on the past, embrace a growth mindset, set intentional goals, and cultivate positive intelligence. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination. Here's to a year of new thinking, new action, growth, and endless possibilities!

What were the highs and lows of 2023?

What lessons did you learn?

What do you want to be different in 2024?

What commitments to change will you make to yourself?

How will you achieve those goals/commitments?

Why not kick-start your ‘new year… new thinking… new action…’ by joining the Senior Leaders’ Group Coaching Programme starting Tuesday 9th January at 4.30pm or contact me for other coaching opportunities?


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