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Leadership Development Programmes: 

Any other feedback for the team or about the programme?

“The course was awesome, probably the best I've ever done.”

“Thank you so much for everything and putting together this amazing training. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to build better habits and develop as an individual as well as become more efficient professionally. Great tips on communication and interpersonal relationships of any kind.”

“Nothing further to say besides a heartfelt thank you!”

“Thanks again for such a great and informative course. I learnt a lot and have been implementing so much of what was learnt and have benefited already from changes that I’ve made during and since the course finished. I'd recommend everyone in my team takes part in this course in future.”

“Great course, thank you all.”

“Peter and Nicky were really really nice, wonderful to talk to either in the group or in the 1:1. I did feel like we shared an experience together.”

“I really appreciated the training: content, format, discussions with the team and trainers of course, thanks a lot!”

“Thank you - I do hope we can manage further training together in the future. I'm looking forward to some of my team attending future LTP intakes!”

Square Enix, Leadership Training Programme


“Being on the Middle Leadership Programme has been really good in giving me time and space to reflect on what leadership is and what it looks like when it is effective. It has also given me the chance to consider what type of leader I would like to be and how I take steps in realising this. Whilst, it has been challenging balancing the demands of the programme with all of the other aspects of the job, the programme has allowed me to connect more with other middle leaders across the school and this has been really important not only as a way of having support but also as a way of having a friendly, yet critical sounding board for problems and issues that arise.”

“The programme allowed me dedicated time both to evaluate my leadership strengths and to identify areas to work on.  I was given bespoke and specific tasks which were often very challenging but really made me engage with the areas I want to improve in and also think about how I approach my leadership role more broadly.  Particular highlights included exploring different leadership styles (directing/coaching/delegating/supporting), the idea of 'what others need to willingly follow' and strategies for giving feedback and having difficult conversations.

The question "What do others need to willingly follow?" was fascinating. I learnt about three key facets required so that the needs in my team are met: 1. Commitment ('I am significant', 'I matter' which leads to Inclusion, 2. Accountability ('I am competent', 'I can do it', which leads to Control and 3. Trust ('I am valued')which leads to Openness. It was so helpful to explore these ideas and to look at example behaviours and attitudes on a broad spectrum, such as in the sphere of delegation, one person might like to be given a task and left alone to get on with it, whereas another might want frequent checking-in and communication. I began to think about the members of my team with these 3 components in mind and reflected on how different they are in the way they think and operate. It reminded me to not assume that others approach the world in the same way as I do and not to make assumptions about others' ways of working.”

“This course has got better and better as it has gone on. Initially, it didn't feel particularly education-specific and after the first session I was unsure how much I would get out of it, as I was getting lots of reassurances about my leadership, rather than necessarily learning a lot, but as the course has progressed I have got more out of it. The weekly challenges have definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone, particularly when having to have what feels like "awkward" conversations with colleagues about their thoughts on me as a leader, but that has been really good for me! I have also taken away lots of little tools to improve my leadership of individuals within my team, including exercises to get to know them better (not personally, but more as professional members of my team and what they want from a HoD) and have been able to put some of these into practice in my department meetings etc. The most useful sessions have been those which have involved role-playing difficult conversations, or role-playing scenarios that I've not encountered before, and having reminders about being honest in feedback is actually being kind. 

Overall, it is hard to articulate "what I have learnt" as a bigger picture, but I definitely feel I have developed my toolkit in terms of managing my department and feel that, as much as anything, there have been lots of thought-provoking conversations in the MLDP sessions that have led me to reflect on my own situation as a leader and have made me more confident in my expertise.”

“The Middle Leadership Programme has given me a huge amount of confidence in my leadership skills. I have particularly valued the opportunity to work alongside colleagues from a range of departments and to share ideas with my buddy. The whole programme has made me realise that I do have the knowledge and skills required to make important, and sometimes difficult, decisions. One of the most valuable take-aways for me has been to appreciate the importance of getting to know colleagues better, so that they feel part of and comfortable with, any change of direction that may need to take place.

With respect to the delivery of the programme, Nicky Bright was professional and encouraging throughout. The face-to-face sessions had much more of an impact than the online sessions, but all had something to offer. The most difficult aspect has been finding time to complete the weekly challenges, but I have done the majority and the time taken has been a worthwhile investment.”

“I am very grateful that the school wants to help develop (and invested financially in) my leadership skills. I do not underestimate how lucky we are to have been given this experience, and I appreciate the allowances that have been made for us to fit this into our timetables. As teachers, we are very busy, and it has been hard at times to fit the leadership tasks into my working week. That being said, the challenges and sessions with our course leader have indeed enabled me to think about my leadership style, trial new ideas in team meetings, and given me the confidence to see myself as a team leader. Particular highlights of the course for me have included learning about different leadership styles and when to use them, as well as managing difficult conversations. 

Although the RLDP platform is somewhat generic and can be tricky to put into an educational context, the support from the course leader has been fantastic. I have been inspired by someone who has had recent leadership experience in a private, girls' day school. She has always been able to answer questions in a timely, clear and detailed manner and I have very much enjoyed hearing about her personal experiences in a similar professional context. I believe the course has helped to think about my future practice in a different way than I ever have before, and if I had access to a similar course for future senior leaders, I would certainly be interested based on my experiences this time.”

Redmaids School, Middle Leadership Development Programme

What would you now say to others thinking about doing something similar?

“Do it!”

“It gives a really good insight into how you can work well together.”

“Go for it”

“Totally worth it and include the wider team, not just the direct team. i.e., it was good we did the whole SLT not just Exec.”

“100% they should do it!”

Abbot’s Hill SLT, Leadership Development Workshop


“You will really find it useful, everything can be applied to management practice.”

“Definitely recommended, hugely worthwhile session to attend.”

Jersey College for Girls, Tackling Difficult Conversations CPD


“Outstanding. This was clear, focused and really helpful.”

“Well worth doing - lots of great practical tips and an excellent way of bonding the team together.”

“Ask Nicky Bright to come in and deliver this session!”

“Arrive with an open and honest approach to thinking and interacting with others in the group.”

“It was a really impactful and collaborative use of time. Thought it was also a really great team building exercise. I felt like I got to know my team a little better.”

Bedford Girls SLT, Leadership Development Workshop

Bespoke Training: 

“I'm happy to recommend this group coaching programme for educational senior leaders, offered by former Head, Nicky Bright. School leaders need this kind of support more than ever, I think...”

Dr Jill Berry, Educational Consultant

 What would you now say to someone considering this programme for themselves?

“Put the time aside to do it as it will have a big impact and is definitely worth the time and cost.”

Deb Freeman, Deputy Head Pastoral, Truro School

“I highly recommend this course. It is an excellent platform to reflect on and develop your practice and draw on Nicky's expertise, while meeting and working alongside people from different settings. Having completed the course, I now look at my professionalism and performance in a different way.”

Emily Jefford, Deputy Head - Pre-Prep, St Catherine’s Bramley

“If you need an hour of calm reflection and discussion then this the programme for you! Whilst an hour feels like a commitment during a busy week, it's well worth it. You will feel rejuvenated afterwards :-)”

Kristina Lewis, Assistant Head (Teaching and Learning), Francis Holland School - Regent's Park

“It's time well spent investing in yourself and in your career. The programme makes you more reflective about all aspects of life and how you can become more successful and satisfied both professionally and personally.”

Lauren Baker, Head of English, St George’s Ascot

“Definitely do it. It will be a very cleansing experience and make you really understand your strengths and weaknesses.”

Phil Macken, Director of Drama, Headington School

“Definitely do it if you have the chance - you won't regret it and your life will definitely be enriched as a result.”

Polly White, Head of MFL, Farnborough Hill School

“Go for it! Be prepared to honestly reflect on yourself and don’t be afraid to make big changes.”

Jade Smart, Assistant Head, The Godolphin & Latymer School

“Do it. It won't be easy, but you will definitely learn something about yourself and the way you work.”

“Be ready to be honest with yourself and willing to discuss areas for development with others and you will get a lot out of it.”

Dr Jen Ryder, Deputy Head, Badminton School.

“I would advise them to do it - it is a lovely hour of weekly reflection & deep thought, useful conversation and new learning. What is there not to enjoy about it?!”

Jen Davison, Assistant Head, Abbotts Hill School

“Don’t hesitate, do it!”

Laura Bursey Faulkner, Director of Admissions, Rugby School

“Go for it - to find out more about yourself can only ever be a positive thing.”

Cathy Darnton, Assistant Principal, Howells School

“Don't think twice. T he programme is informative, insightful but also very refreshing; providing you with the knowledge, drive, motivation, and confidence to take the next steps forwards. It allows you to develop as a leader, a teacher, and a person, reflecting at so many levels. To run ideas, challenges and even triumphs by colleagues outside of your own school brings an amazing outlook and perspective that you can learn so much from.”

“This programme leads to positive change in every aspect or your life, not just your job. Do it! You will leave feeling challenged, in the best possible way, but know you have the right support network to drive change professionally and personally. You will create positive habits that increase productivity yet promote a better work like balance.”

Lara Wilkinson, Assistant Head Co-Curricular, Kent College Pembury

“When you think you have no time for your own CPD, it is a sign that you do absolutely need and deserve that professional and *personal* development! This programme took me from feeling I needed to step back, step down and hide, to feeling I have been choosing to step back, step down and hide when that was not what I wanted, and I must not do that. I feel truly reinvigorated and even though things are still really hard a lot of the time, I see the world through a new lens, and I make sure my personal story and leadership journey matters again. Thank you Nicky.”

“Please do this and do not put off working on yourself a moment longer. The Professor demands we are the most together person in the room and of course we need help to keep on top of this and to learn how to change and help ourselves.”

Dr Elizabeth Mackintosh, Head of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Winchester College

“Do it! It is by no means easy, however, Nicky runs this course with energy and enthusiasm allowing you to feel 100% supported throughout. This has been an opportunity for me to really connect with a fantastic group of like-minded people but also to reconnect with myself. When the world around you is chaos, the opportunity to sit and think for an hour a week has been brilliant.”

“I would ask - why would you not do it? Everyone needs time to focus on themselves and reflect. This course gives you the opportunity to see things differently. To stop just blindly going forwards and to really reflect. Nicky is so knowledgeable, empathetic, helpful, and supportive, while also challenging you to bring the very best out of yourself.”

Toni Rollo, Deputy Head, Jersey College for Girls

“This is a great place to begin to identify where your values and skills as a Leader come together. It provides a place in which you will be challenged but also developed through a Leadership curriculum.”

“Group Leadership has been so powerful and has given me the courage, determination, and resilience to follow my own Leadership path. Nicky provides a Leadership Curriculum that scaffolds learning, is specific and purposeful to the individual and indirectly builds a professional network that is otherwise lacking for individuals leading in schools. Thank you Nicky!”

Paula Timlin, Deputy Head, Beacon Hill School

“We have thousands of interactions every week and the impact of every single one of these can have far reaching consequences. Unless we invest in ourselves, we will not have the positive influence on those we serve. This programme will force you to think and reflect, it's not easy or comfortable at times, but this is where the growth comes from. The programme is a safe space in which to explore the many facets of your leadership, but it always recognises that we are only human, and we make mistakes! You will be given tools in which to make real sustainable change- without question a genuine highlight of the week!”

Claire Peach, Head of Admissions, Taunton Prep School

“Definitely do it - and use it as an opportunity to discover who you want to be as a leader; sometimes what you are being told about leadership by those in your own organisation isn't as valid as it might seem; use this as an opportunity to do your own exploration and reach your own conclusions.”

Amy Wallace, Principal, Queens Gate School

“If you're anything like me, you're probably already thinking of doing something like this but never feel brave enough or you convince yourself you don't have the time to do it... If that's you then THIS IS FOR YOU.  Even after a few weeks I feel more focused, confident in myself and look forward to the next session.  I thoroughly recommend allowing yourself the time.  It's worth it.”

“If you were ever considering doing something like this, do it.  If you think you don't have the time to commit, then definitely do it.  It will change how you work, and you'll meet some wonderful people along the way.  The programme has given me the space and time to look at all aspects of myself and make tweaks for the better.  It has allowed me to grow in confidence, recognise my strengths and build on the areas I have identified as 'things to work on'.  It has been a wonderful opportunity to network with likeminded people who have been welcoming, knowledgeable and all-round great fun.”

Vanessa Mitchell, Deputy Principal, The Ladies' College, Guernsey

“I found Nicky’s group coaching for Senior Leaders programme incredibly useful in helping me to critically review different aspects of my professional life. Having the time and space to reflect on the way I approach my work was invaluable, and I am left with plenty of strategies that will help to optimise my productivity going forward.” 

Andrew Uglow, Director of Studies, Cokethorpe School

“By taking this course, you are investing in yourself. Many of us simply do not make time for professional development and by taking this course, it focuses you to stop and take the time to do so. You can forget about all the jobs on your to-do list and spend valuable time, listening, engaging and encouraging others to improve as leaders. This course develops you as a whole person taking into consideration factors such as your health, family time and wellbeing. Unlike others courses I have attended, the themes and conversations develop organically rather than are forced and therefore much more enjoyable. For all leaders and potential leaders, this is a must-do course.”

Alex Large, Head of Boarding, The Royal School, Wolverhampton

“In the fast-paced world of education, we need practical solutions to poor habits/routines that we ourselves as professionals have adopted. This course is the first piece of CPD that I have done that has attempted to address my behaviour, rather than just giving me a multitude of new practices to try to fit into the day. I am only sorry that I didn't do the course earlier! Nicky has created a course that helps you to penetrate some of the ideas that have been presented to us in the enormous amount of leadership research. In just an hour a week you are given the opportunity to explore these ideas in a constructive way that is useful to you in your setting. Very slowly you will start to adopt a new approach to what you are doing. The opportunity to network with others outside of your setting is also invaluable. You won’t have any regrets about doing this, the personal and professional development opportunity is not to be missed.”

Laura Ellis-James, Assistant Head Pastoral, Bruton School for Girls

“It is so worth putting the time aside for this coaching course. It sounds like a big commitment, but the time investment is so worthwhile. The supportive nature of the group allows you to explore the ideas and come up with realistic small targets that you can work towards alongside the larger aim of high performance.”

Lana Eagers, Deputy Head, St Catherine’s Twickenham

“I would encourage them to take part and to value the time it will give them to take for themselves and to invest in themselves. I would say that having thinking time will allow them to develop and feel more confident in themselves, which will allow them to bring more to the role they have. I would say it has been well worth taking part and they should certainly do it.”

Norma Murray, Head of Junior School, St Margaret’s Aberdeen

“To do it!”

Stuart Dalley, Deputy Head, Badminton School

Group Coaching Testimonials

Group Coaching Video Testimonial

Testimonial from Dan Grossman, Assistant Head - Director of Digital Learning and Technology at Channing Girls’ School

1:1 Coaching Testimonials

“Nicky is a fantastic exec coach, and I really enjoyed the time I spent with her. In particular, I enjoyed the mix of traditional exec coaching and a curriculum led programme, which provided a different focus for each session. She is an excellent, neutral sounding board and helped to facilitate tangible solutions when necessary - I would highly recommend Nicky as an exec-level coach.”

Helen Cable, Operations Director at Epic Games Publishing

“I booked Nicky for several coaching sessions in the Autumn term 2020 for preparation for Headship interviews. She was excellent; giving me a number of really useful tips and her advice was highly personalised, both to me and to the positions I was applying for. The sessions with Nicky also really enhanced my confidence and also gave me an opportunity to reflect verbally on my achievements to date - something I had not really done due to the ever-changing situation that we now find ourselves in. I would highly recommend Nicky either for intense coaching sessions, as I had, and indeed a longer programme of coaching sessions - the latter, I am booking up for imminently!”

Nicola Griffiths, Headmistress, St Mary’s Colchester

“I found the coaching support transformative. It helped me gain clarity during a period of great change and uncertainty and led me to a new role - a promotion - with even greater purpose and sense of fulfilment. I am really grateful.”

Dal Hundal, Associate Technical Director at Sumo Digital Ltd

“I can't recommend Nicky highly enough, I found her exec coaching to be engaging and highly effective in bringing about positive habits and improvements to all areas of professional life.”

Stuart Morton, Publishing Director at Epic Games Publishing

“Meeting with Nicky has been invaluable in helping me adjust to the demands of my new senior leadership role. I would never have carved out time dedicated wholly to self-reflection on how things were going, and this is something I will certainly be making time for in the future. Allowing myself the time and space to set targets and to hold myself to account helped me

maintain momentum in the first few months of the role, and helped me to see solutions more clearly as different challenges arose. Having someone to discuss my work with who wasn’t a member of the school community was particularly useful, and helped me to gain perspective where I needed it. Thank you, Nicky!”

Kay Hotchkiss, Assistant Head (Teaching, Learning and Research), City of London School for Girls

“I have been having leadership coaching with Nicky for a year and she's been brilliant! We've worked through a pretty large body of work, but it's never felt heavy or onerous, Nicky's kept it relevant and interesting. I definitely feel I've improved as a leader, and as a happy human being, and I really value the time we've spent working together. Thanks Nicky!”

John Duffill, Design Lead at Epic Games Publishing