Leading, Serving, and re-charging!

This Jubilee weekend my leadership thoughts turn to service – and taking a break for some fun

The Queen’s example of service to the nation has been exemplary.  Leadership is service, and as the Sandhurst motto says ‘Serve to Lead’.  She made a vow 70 years ago and has worked hard to live up to it in all that time.  There have been hard times and challenges and her values have always shone through, of dedication, devotion and determination, among many others.  As leaders we are in service of our teams, the Queen of her people and the Commonwealth, and it is plain to see she takes that seriously, as should we. 

Service isn’t easy, nor is it always convenient to us and what we might want to do for ourselves.  Putting the needs of the team and the organisation to the fore takes courage and humility.  When times are challenging or difficult and we are tired we can be tempted to take the easy route, to make decisions that make life easier for us in that moment, rather than looking at the long term impact.  It’s understandable because so much around us currently shrieks ‘what will it matter?’, ‘no-one will notice!’ and ‘here’s a quick hack to…(lose weight, get fit, gain influence)’.  Service doesn’t take the easy route, there are NO quick hacks, poor decisions ALWAYS matter, and people DO notice

So over this Jubilee weekend I will be reflecting upon how the Queen has managed to balance this role so well, and will be grateful for the stability her leadership has provided us over a time of huge change.  This is likely to be the last royal event of it’s kind I attend.  If  Charles were to be crowned any time soon he would be at least 100 at his Silver jubilee – unlikely perhaps?

And so thoughts turn to fun!  An important ingredient in the ‘leaders larder’ is the ability to rest, recuperate, restore our energy and rebalance our lives.  Joy, fun, family and friends are an important part of that.  If we’re tired, emotionally or physically, we have a greater chance of making poor decisions.  Having a change and some fun tops up that energy so we have a greater chance of bringing the right intentional energy to those we serve.  Rest and fun means different things to different people of course, and for me that means spending time with friends and family, probably waving flags on the Mall in the crowds and raising a glass (or two!) of bubbly.  Others might enjoy a good book or a film and a chance to disengage from social media.  Whatever your preferences, I hope you have a weekend packed with lovely things that restore your energy so you can continue to serve and lead with intention.



Thinking of the Queen as an example of leadership - service, devotion, dedication and duty - how has she done it?

When are you tempted to take the easy way (because we all are!) and what do you do to remind yourself not to?

What helps you recharge, rebalance, rest?  What brings you joy?

What one thing will you do over the Jubilee weekend to bring yourself some joy to top up your intentional energy?


Be where you are celebrated, not tolerated…

