Langley Sharp

Associate, Bright Lead

I was a serving British Army officer driven by a sense of service and responsibility, with a passion for people.

For more than 20 years I have had the privilege of working with individuals, teams and organisations across all sectors, both in the UK and around the world.

Specific experience includes heading Defence’s training programme for the 2012 Olympics venue security programme, leading a Task Force operation in Afghanistan and, more recently, heading the Centre for Army Leadership. In this latter role I authored the Army’s authorised account on leadership, The Habit of Excellence.

Such experience has convinced me that whilst contexts change, the fundamentals of leadership endure, and I am a strong advocate for the power of leadership in driving positive outcomes.

My greatest inspiration remains my wife, whose vision and drive is endless. She is also an admirable role model for our two children who routinely keep us on our toes!

Beyond work and family, I keep sane through sport, the great outdoors and a far too energetic Sprocker.