Wellness, Skiing, Women in Sport, & Time to Talk…

I’m just back from a lovely week with an old friend who lives in the Austrian Alps near Salzburg. The sunny days have helped replenish my Vitamin D, and the stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, outdoor activities and long chats, reconnecting and catching up together, have been restorative.  While there, I relished the joy of downhill and cross-country skiing, long walks round the lakes and, the primary reason I visited, our easy friendship!


The beautiful surroundings and the time spent on the snowy slopes allowed many moments for contemplation and grounding, important when we consider two significant national days at this time of year: Mind's ‘Time to Talk’ Day on Thursday 1st February, and National Girls and Women in Sports Day on Wednesday 7th February.  With my involvement with REDJanuary, an initiative to get us all more active, and Positive Intelligence, helping us quieten our judge and saboteurs in our heads, these days are close to my heart and well linked together!

Austria’s serene landscapes and invigorating mountain air created an ideal backdrop for a holistic wellness experience. Beyond the thrill of skiing the snowy slopes, the environment promoted mindfulness, offering space for contemplation surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of the Alps. Here, wellness extends beyond just physical activity, recognising mental and emotional health as integral components of a balanced lifestyle.


Championing the cause of women and girls has always been a personal priority, with my role as an educator of girls, the menopause awareness work and more personally as an aunty. Despite progress, noticeable disparities persist in the lived experiences of men and women, especially in sports. National Girls and Women in Sports Day serves as an excellent opportunity to highlight these differences and encourage females to pursue their sporting passions.  I’ve never been cross-country skiing, or langlaufing, before and so challenged myself to get out of my comfort zone and learn a new skill, as well as enjoying the walking and downhill skiing which I love doing.  Skiing is not just a recreational activity; it provides a platform to embody leadership qualities such as resilience, determination, and the ability to navigate challenges with grace.  Leaders need to manage the space between the action and their reaction, so ensuring physical and mental energy is topped up is foundational work.


Many traditional gender norms in outdoor activities have been rewritten around Salzburg.  The region fosters a supportive community where female athletes, from accomplished skiers to pioneering mountaineers, break barriers and achieve remarkable feats.  Local initiatives actively promote gender equality, inspiring young girls to embrace athleticism and pursue their passion for adventure, creating an environment that empowers women in sports.


Recognising the mental health benefits of sports and exercise, even for those without competitive aspirations, underscores the importance of creating a welcoming space for women and girls to participate in these activities.  Mental ill-health struggles can affect anyone, and can range from mild to severe. It's crucial to raise awareness, and by doing so remove the stigma that still so often surrounds them.  This is key to supporting those facing challenges.


Mental health awareness has come a long way in recent years, but there is still further to go.  Modern commitment to mental health is evident through initiatives like Mind’s ‘Time to Talk’.  This program actively encourages open dialogues about mental health, breaking down stigmas and creating a supportive community. This supportive community is something encouraged in our Leadership Group Coaching, together with an acknowledgment that true leadership encompasses emotional intelligence and resilience, and a good work-life balance – or, the term I prefer, work-life integration.


In essence, the Austrian Alps are not just a skiing paradise but a destination that seamlessly weaves together the thrill of winter sports, the empowerment of women in athletics, and the promotion of positive mental health awareness, and I’ve been fortunate to be able to boost my wellness there over the last week, catching up with an old friend.



How do you ensure physical activity boosts your wellness?

What do you do to bring yourself peace and mental wellbeing?

How else do you ensure your physical and mental energy ‘battery’ is topped up so you have the resources to manage the space between any action and your reaction?

Need some help integrating work and life so you can manage that energy?  Why not contact us to see how we can help?


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