Time for a break to Rest, Relax, Restore, and Re-balance …

It’s time for a break!

After a very busy period of work, I’m looking forward to a scheduled holiday when I’ll have the down-time to do more of the non-work things that I love, like walking.  As leaders, it’s important to remember that however passionate we are about our work, and however much of a vocation we feel for our work, we are so much more than just our jobs

It’s important that we feed that other side of ourselves and continue to connect or reconnect to the other things that matter to us and reenergise. It’s only by feeding and growing every aspect of ourselves, all of our likes, loves, and passions, that we can stay full of vitality in all we do, and bring the right energy to give our best selves to those we serve.

For some, down time, or holiday time might focus on re-connecting with friends and family, it could be a city break - soaking up the cultural sights and sounds, or maybe whipping out the knitting needles, sewing machine or DIY bench and finishing that project you started so long ago.  Perhaps, like me, you enjoy walking in the countryside, re-connecting with our awesome natural environment, or do you find yourself yearning to get comfortable in your favourite chair, finally giving yourself time for the latest book by an author you really enjoy.  Or perhaps it’s simply laying on a beach with a tropical drink in hand! However you like to spend your down time, in whatever combination of ways, this is time to do the things that make you ‘you’, outside the work environment.

This reconnection with ourselves allows us to rest, relax, restore, and re-balance.

So, that’s what I’m off to do for the next few weeks – time away from the keyboard and the screen, and off to follow and enjoy my other passions.

I look forward to giving my best, rejuvenated self when I return, full of vitality, energy and excitement that comes from knowing all aspects of my life have been replenished!

Here’s to a wonderful Summer break for you all whenever you get to it! 

We will be back mid-August.




·       How do you feel when all areas of your life are re-balanced? 

·       What one thing can you do to ensure you get a little more of this feeling in your life / calendar?

·       What aspects of your self have maybe taken a back-seat lately, what areas would you like to replenish?

·       How might you spend your down time in order to restore and rejuvenate your inner self?

·       How often do you need to make time to take stock and feed the sometimes neglected areas of your ‘self’?



Thank you Ma’am


Be where you are celebrated, not tolerated…