The Opportunity of ‘Saying Yes More’…

I remember a fantastic lecture with Dave Cornthwaite of the ‘Say Yes More’ project explaining to our students the abundance of opportunities he’d had just from saying ‘yes’.  Some of my most interesting opportunities have come from random conversations I’ve had with people, which is why, whenever someone asks for a conversation with me, I never turn them down.  You never know what or who the universe is bringing your way!  And I’m feeling optimistic and inspired by the opportunities I’ve had to connect with people over the last couple of weeks – this is conference season, and fulfilling – certainly not toxic politics in my gatherings!


The International Coalition of Girls’ Schools Symposium at Benenden was uplifting with colleagues from across the world, some I know very well and others are new introductions.  In fact one of my former students is now a successful leader in her own school and it was great to see her forging her path there as well and make a date to connect for a coffee.  The #WomenEd global unconference hosted by Regent School was similarly inspiring, and it was brilliant to meet in person with leaders I’d been communicating with by email and hatch plans for the future.


I’m heading to Bristol for the #DiverseEd SW conference on Saturday, and the Resilient Leaders Elements annual gathering on Monday in Wiltshire.  I know the people I meet will have similar values and purpose and will inspire me to have an even better approach to what I’m doing and give me ideas for future developments and projects.  I’m getting out of my comfort zone and having my first stall in the marketplace at the conference – this has necessitated a new banner and leaflets which I’m excited to use for the first time.  I know I’ll learn from the experience and be energised.  I’ll be feeding my curiosity by learning and networking.


To some though, ‘networking’ is a dirty word, suggesting people use their new connections, those unsuspecting people and their good will, to grasp at rungs of the ladder or climb faster up the greasy pole.  Some may well have that intention, but I hope you appreciate why I see it completely differently.  Perhaps it’s because I have a conceptual thinking preference and am energised by different ideas, people and possibilities and quickly make connections between them?  Perhaps it’s an innate curiosity and a desire and intention to make the world a better place?  Whatever it is, I know that this couple of weeks are important to me to top up my energy ready for the darker winter months.


What do you think of when you hear ‘networking opportunities’?

What one thing can you do to take yourself out of your comfort zone?

What can you ‘say yes more’ to?

Why not contact me for a conversation?  You know I’ll say yes!


What Sustains You? …


Mentoring vs Coaching