More #InspireInclusion…

using the responsive and disruptive elements of the Working Geniuses framework to inspire inclusion…

On Monday, I finally got to Smart Works in Croydon and dropped off an IKEA bag and a box of tailored work clothes that I hope will help “give women the confidence they need to reach their full potential, secure employment and change the trajectory of their lives”, as their mission states.  There were some lovely jackets, dresses and skirts in there, and I was so relieved and pleased to finally move them on to help someone else fulfil their dreams by building them up.  The charity says, “We believe in the power of clothes and coaching to transform a woman’s confidence. Our service is carefully designed, with kindness and respect at the heart of everything we do. It is about much more than the clothes she is gifted: it is about what the clothes allow each woman to become. When she looks in the mirror, she begins to see hope and possibility for a better future.”  What a happy coincidence I managed it around #IWD International Women’s Day with the aim of investing in women to accelerate progress, hence #InspireInclusion.  I’ve had a long association with the charity, firstly at the GSA Heads conference in perhaps 2017 when we were encouraged to bring things along to donate.  This practical act of supporting women and raising them up by repurposing perfectly serviceable quality garments disrupts the status quo by supporting those who wouldn’t ordinarily have the purchasing power for those sorts of garments.  It is the essence of #InspireInclusion.


We can also use The 6 Working Geniuses to accelerate progress and #InspireInclusion, by appreciating everyone’s individual geniuses in the 6 different stages of work, and recognising that we need a diversity of approach and thinking for leadership teams to be of greatest success.  This final blog in the series brings our focus upon the disruptive and responsive nature of the geniuses.  Embracing diversity in all its forms not only enriches workplace culture but also fuels innovation and productivity. One powerful approach to promoting inclusion is by harnessing the principles of the Working Geniuses framework, particularly focusing on its responsive and disruptive elements. 


The Working Geniuses framework, developed by Patrick Lencioni, are divided into two categories: the "responsive" geniuses, which relate to how individuals interact with others, and the "disruptive" geniuses, which pertain to how individuals approach problems and challenges. 

Let's explore how these elements intersect with the #inspireinclusion movement:

Wonder: This responsive genius involves asking questions, seeking understanding, and fostering curiosity. In the context of inclusion, it encourages us to approach others with genuine interest and openness to diverse perspectives. Embracing wonder means actively listening to different voices and valuing the unique experiences and insights they bring to the table.

By nurturing a culture of curiosity, organisations can create spaces where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.


Invention: The disruptive genius of invention is about generating new ideas, challenging the status quo, and embracing change. In the realm of inclusion, this genius encourages us to innovate and experiment with new approaches to diversity and belonging. It involves breaking free from traditional norms and exploring unconventional solutions to address systemic barriers and biases.

By fostering a culture of invention, organisations can proactively dismantle barriers to inclusion and create environments where everyone can thrive.


Discernment: This responsive genius involves making insightful judgments and discerning patterns and connections. In the context of inclusion, discernment calls for recognising and addressing our unconscious biases, prejudices, and stereotypes that may hinder diversity and belonging. It requires us to critically evaluate our own beliefs and behaviours and actively challenge discriminatory attitudes and practices.

By cultivating discernment, organisations can create inclusive cultures where fairness, equity, and respect are upheld.


Galvanising: The disruptive genius of galvanising is about rallying others around a shared vision, inspiring action, and building momentum. In terms of inclusion, this genius involves mobilising the team to champion diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives within the organisation and beyond. It requires leaders to lead by example, communicate the importance of inclusion, and empower others to drive meaningful change.

By harnessing the power of galvanising, organisations can create a collective sense of purpose and commitment to building inclusive communities.


Enablement: This responsive genius involves supporting and empowering others to reach their full potential. In the context of inclusion, enablement means providing the necessary resources, opportunities, and support systems for individuals from diverse backgrounds to thrive. It requires leaders to prioritise equity and accessibility, foster mentorship and sponsorship programs, and create inclusive policies and practices.

By embracing enablement, organisations can break down barriers to entry and advancement, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to succeed.


Tenacity: The disruptive genius of tenacity is about persevering in the face of challenges, demonstrating resilience, and staying committed to long-term goals. In terms of inclusion, tenacity involves confronting resistance, overcoming setbacks, and driving sustained progress towards diversity and belonging. It requires us to remain steadfast in our efforts to challenge inequities, advocate for marginalised voices, and push for systemic change.

By embodying tenacity, organisations can create lasting impact and build cultures of inclusion that endure over time.

So, by leveraging the responsive and disruptive elements of the Working Geniuses framework, we can #inspireinclusion and cultivate environments where diversity is celebrated, voices are heard, and everyone has the opportunity to thrive. By fostering wonder, invention, discernment, galvanising, enablement, and tenacity, we can drive meaningful change and create cultures of belonging where every individual feels valued, respected, and empowered.



Are your geniuses responsive or disruptive?  All are required!  And it’s good to know whether your two geniuses are both responsive or both disruptive from a team perspective –  how do you respond to change or do you make it happen? 

How diverse is your team in terms of the 6 Geniuses?

What are you doing to invest in women and accelerate progress?

How will you #InspireInclusion ?


Amazing Moroccan Women…


IWD: #InspireInclusion…