Bright Lead - ‘Bright Thought’ Introduction

Bright Lead… ‘Bright Thought…’ is an idea that emerged over the last year through a conversation with a dear friend who benefited from the Senior Leaders’ Group Coaching Programme I run termly - next group starts Tuesday April 19th.

Over the course of the programme I challenge each of the participants to take action to move further towards their goals, based upon some foundational leadership thinking from some of the great scholars and leadership thought leaders such as Steven Covey, Brené Brown, Susan David, Brendon Burchard, Simon Sinek and many many more… Philosophising about the ideas with others in the group is the ‘easy’ part. Taking action is much harder.

My friend challenged me to take action and share these insights more widely, moving further towards my goal of being a ‘go to’ leadership development consultant for those who want to be the best leader, indeed person, they can be, in order to have the most constructive impact possible upon those around them, their teams and the outcomes from their teams.

And so, over the next few weeks I will be sharing insights from some of those who have inspired different aspects of the Leadership Development workshops and Group Coaching Programmes I run, and I’ll be posing questions for reflection and engagement. I hope you find them thought provoking enough to spur you into action, however small, towards YOUR goals. I’d love to hear what you think…!


“Rumbling with Vulnerability”


Leadership and the Menopause