Bright Lead Newsletter April 2023

Catch up with Bright Lead

2023 has been an absolute whirlwind so far. From January to 1st April I’ve moved house, had 10 in-person visits to clients, had a trip to Agadir, delivered 37 online sessions, provided 18 facilitated workshops and 43 one to one coaching sessions, as well as appraisals. It’s been lots of fun, meeting new people, old friends, and developing working relationships with with clients old and new.

One particular satisfaction has been working with associates and seeing the impact of the longer term Leadership Development Programmes in both the video games companies and schools we work with. These programmes have been tailored for the specific needs of each client and have had great feedback.

“Thanks again for such a great and informative programme. I learnt a lot and have been implementing so much of what was learnt and have benefited already from changes that I've made during and since the programme finished. I'd recommend everyone in my team takes part in this programme in future.”

What’s coming up?

Next week a new six month programme starts for one of our games companies, and over the summer some of our other longer programmes for schools draw to an end. Do get in touch if you’re interested in a team programme starting September / October in order to get dates booked in asap.

We’ll be facilitating sessions for the BSA/TIOB entitled Sometimes ‘good enough’ is good enough: lessons for the perfectionist practitionerand for HMC PA’s conference In promoting well-being in the workplace, and looking out for ourselves.

I’m also looking forward to leading the Senior Leaders and Middle Leaders Group coaching programmes in the new school year. It’s always lovely to meet a new group of participants, and help them develop and grow their networks, leadership presence, and find balance in their personal and professional lives.

"When you think you have no time for your own CPD, it's a sign that you do absolutely need and deserve that professional and personal development! You will gain that time."

Dr Elizabeth Mackintosh

I’ll also be continuing to deliver workshops raising Menopause Awareness, working in partnership with Diverse Educators delivering CPD, creating bespoke training programmes, and continuing to facilitate. This is always rewarding, as I know from experience how much better things can be when teams work together with committed and effective leadership.

Sign Up and Contact Us

If you would like to sign up to one of the Group Coaching Programmes, please follow the link. Alternatively, if you would like to discuss how Bright Lead can help you and /or your team, please do not hesitate to contact me, I’d love to hear from you.


Results Day 2023!


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